●導演:泰德泰勒 Tate Taylor --白人
●編劇:泰德泰勒 Tate Taylor & Kathryn Stockett (novel) --白人

--《姊妹》(The Help)是她的第一部小說,據說本書出版前曾遭六十家出版社拒絕。
--本書是美國企鵝集團Putnam旗下文學出版社Amy Einhorn Book的創社作品,國際版權授出將近40國, 2009年2月在美出版以來,締造驚人銷量,感動數百萬讀者,國內由商周出版值得一讀。
艾瑪史東 Emma Stone
薇拉戴維絲 Viola Davis
奧塔薇亞史班森 Octavia Spencer --捕蠅紙中的黑人櫃臺員
Eugenia 'Skeeter' Phelan與Constantine Jefferson的對話:
All the boys say I'm ugly. 那些小子都說我醜
I wish you'd quit feeling sorry for yourself. 我希望你不再為自己感到歉意
Now, that's ugly. 那樣的你才醜
Ugly is something that goes up inside you. 醜是在你心裡生長出來的
It's mean and hurtful, like them boys. 它刻薄又傷人,就像那些小子
Now you're not one of them, is you? 你不是那些人,對吧?
I didn't think so, honey. 我想你不是,親愛的!
Courage isn't just about being brave. 勇氣不只是勇敢,
Courage is daring to do what is right in spite of the weakness of our flesh. 勇氣是敢於去做對的事 不惜我們凡夫肉身,
If you can love your enemy, you already have the victory. 如果你能愛你的敵人,那你已經勝利。
Everybody enjoying the evening? 大家今晚都盡興嗎?
Let's give a nice round of applause for the help. 先向幫傭們獻上我們的掌聲!
Aibileen Clark獨白
God says we need to love our enemies. 上帝說我們要愛我們的敵人。
No! 不!
It hard to do. 這很難做到,
But it can start by telling the truth. 但可以從說真話做起。
No one had ever asked me what it felt like to be me. 沒人問過我做我自己是什麼感覺
Once I told the truth about that... 要我來說的話...
...I felt free. ...我感覺自由。
●讓百萬人感動落淚的《姊妹》(The Help)
●金馬影展 姊妹 The Help
●Kathryn Stockett官方網頁
●博客來:姊妹 The Help
●IMDb與Rotten Tomatoes雙高分。
●The Help在片中的意思其實應可翻成幫傭。
●MUST HAVE:今年度無敵鉅片,明年奧斯卡熱門電影。